The Pumpkin Putter returns from retirement to defend its previously unofficial title
as champion human-powered centripetal. Don Young was instrumental in getting this
new division together.
The putter is laid out on the field of battle prior to assembly. We were in a bit
of a hurry since rain was forecast to come down for most of the day.
In about an hour, it is fully assembled except for the delicate bits we didn't want
to have rain on.
Friday morning the machine is barely completed in time for our first shot around
8:30 am. Kevin gets on and starts pedaling. It's going pretty fast when the lower
chain ring derails. The trigger is pulled, and the pumkin makes it about 13 ft.
We set to work, and add a lower chain guide (the bits of wood clamped onto
the frame behind the bike.) That solved the problem once and for all.
On Saturday, our launch went without a hitch, and flew 132 feet, putting us in the
lead by only 4 feet!
On Sunday, we stole one of Mista Ballista's Australian Blue Pumpkins. This
pumpkin had an ideal shape being flat and wide on one side, and small on the other.
This reduced the wind drag at the tip of the arm. We also swapped in Roger, our
bike racer. With this combination, and a lower gear Roger rode into history taking
a new record in this class of 176.84.
We opted to retrieve this pumpkin from the field so that we might grow a few more
of these outstanding throwing, and particularly ugly pumpkins.
And then the 1st place trophy was ours! Huzzah!
Additional Pages for Punkin Chunk 2004
Punkin Chunk 2004
The 2004 World Championship Punkin Chunk was a great year for Team Tormentum.
We brought Mista Ballista, our torsion machine.
We also brought the Pumpkin Putter out of retirement to compete in the
the new Human Powered Centripetal division.
Punkin Chunk 2004: Mista Ballista's Story
Mista Ballista returned to Delaware to compete in the Torsion division once again.
It was a competition fraught with challenges.
Punkin Chunk 2004: The Torsion Division
The torsion division returned for more adventures this year. While the outcome
as the same as last year, the adventures were all different.
Punkin Chunk 2004: Pumpkin Putter's Story
The Pumpkin Putter returns from retirement to defend its previously unofficial title
as champion human-powered centripetal. Don Young was instrumental in getting this
new division together.
Punkin Chunk 2004: The Human Powered Centripetal Division
The Centripetal division was very tightly matched. While the other
machines had trigger problems, when they did work, they all sent the
pumpkin out past 100 feet.
Punkin Chunk 2004: Other catapult divisions
Battles raged in the youth and trebuchet divisions, and a new record was set in the
unlimited catapult division.