The 2003 World Championship Punkin Chunk was a great year for Team Tormentum,
and Mista Ballista, our competition Pumpkin throwing machine. After last year's
tragic defeat at the hands equipment failure, our goals were simple,
Shoot a pumpkin intact, and forward. In this, we succeeded, and the machine
exceeded our expectations.
For the first time, Team Tormentum opted to leave Massachusetts on Thursday night. We felt this was imperative so we could build and practice all day on Friday. Our team picture was therefore taken at night, from left to right we are: Roger Nichols, Jeff Del Papa, Kevin Johnson, Eric Ludlam, Dave Shepard.
To our right, Fibbonacci could be seen off in the distance, followed by youth catapult, and eventually Chucky II, our immediate neighbor.
To our left, Onager stood (far left of image) followed by a wide range of catapults, slings, and trebuchets.
Additional Pages for Punkin Chunk 2003
Punkin Chunk 2003
The 2003 World Championship Punkin Chunk was a great year for Team Tormentum,
and Mista Ballista, our competition Pumpkin throwing machine. After last year's
tragic defeat at the hands equipment failure, our goals were simple,
Shoot a pumpkin intact, and forward. In this, we succeeded, and the machine
exceeded our expectations.
Punkin Chunk 2003: Mista Ballista's Story
Operating Mista Ballista this year was exciting beyond our expectations. Some things worked great.
Some things broke, and pumpkins flew!
Punkin Chunk 2003: The Torsion Machines
The torsion division is still small, with four machines entering. Everyone had something new to share.
Punkin Chunk 2003: Other Catapults
There were 75 machines at this years chunk, and lots of nifty catapults were there to impress.
We were pretty busy trying to get Mista Ballista to work right, so we don't have many pictures of cannons.