On Aug 23rd, 2002, Eric took his standby machines
Juggernaut and
Onager Jr to
Mohonk, in New Paltz, New York.
The goal was to give member's of Amy's company a chance to play with
the machines which they had heard so much about. Fortunately,
management at Mohonk found a field where the machines could be used
without bothering too many other visitors of the hotel.
Here is a view of the giant stone hotel across the lake nearby. We
didn't actually get to launch anything at the castle. :(
Here much of the IPSO crew gathered for an afternoon of flinging. At
this point, they were still chatting amongst themselves trying to
figure out how the silly thing worked.
Here is the flinging crew lining up for a posed shot. In the
background, the grounds keeper, and activities manager and someone
else working at Mohonk watched on in amusement. They were very
helpful, and even fetched more water for us as the afternoon
It's not often you see a company's CEO (pink shirt) packed into such a
small space with 5 co-workers standing on tip-toe while
hanging onto a rope. Yet, here it is as they prepare to fling a
gallon of water.
And pull! The 2 quart juice container lifts off the ground.
Apparently it went forward, as the counterweight falls upon the
ground, and also looks out for errant projectiles. I think Kent is
sitting on someone. Our best shot of the day was an approximate 6
pound bottle 224 feet! (I remembered the giant tape-measure this
time so we got some good measurements.)
James Wolfe prepares to launch Onager Jr.
John Santamaria sends 20oz of water over 200 feet.
Thanks Risa for taking all the pictures this day, (I was a little
busy trying to keep people from hurting themselves too much.) and for
negotiating the catapult time with Hotel staff.