What is Siege Engine Art?
Siege Engine Art is the amusingly artistic remains of some item that
traveled a great distance, and left a large splatter mark upon the
ground. Here are a few excerpts of the magnificent art created by our
Here is a fascinating specimen tossed with the 4' trebuchet. We are
uncertain as to how this coke bottle managed this bit of breakage, but
it is otherwise unharmed. The cap did not survive.
When using juggernaut some coke bottles
hit the ground with such force and at such a low angle, they left an
unbroken label behind as the rest of the bottle scooted off down the
street. Quite impressive.
Here is the remains of a full one gallon jug after it struck pavement.
You can tell that an impressive altitude was achieved without too much
forward momentum due the the destructive tear patterns.
Here are the remains of a jug tossed Oct 31 1999. It was our first
gallon to travel over 200 feet. (260ft to be exact.) While the
resultant mud-hole is not in this picture, the fractures are much more
A cardboard container touched down at
Mount Snow
and had full separation upon landing, blasting two halves of itself
about 5 feet apart.
A 14lb rock lands in a grassy field on a rainy day during the DVD from the History Channel.')">2006 History Channel Chunk
and leaves a nifty crater. What could be better than throwing a rock, and having mud
and weeds flying through the air after impact?
A 10lb block of ice hits a plate class window at the 2010 MathWorks Demo. The MathWorks gave me a building,
and I shot stuff at it. What could be better?
More art will be available when available.