Welcome to Siege-Engine.com.
This is the home of Team Tormentum.
We build modern siege engines, compete in charity Chunkin competitions,
make guest appearances for Class Rooms and Television shows,
and are willing to help local charity events using our siege engines.
To learn about our Siege Engine building
or any of our machines, use the links on the right.
Consider helping Team Tormentum maintain this web site of
our adventures by visiting one of our sponsors, or buy
Books from Amazon which
provides the pennies needed to keep a web site like this alive.
Web Game:
Try our latest web toy: Explode the snowman!
Team Web Log:
Oct 21, 2018
- Final day of competition.
- Longest shot of the competion was 1775 ft! Another record for us!
Oct 20, 2018
- First day of competition.
- Launch a pumpkin 1649 ft! A new record for us.
Oct 19, 2018
- Arrive at Extreme Chunkin.
- Setup Mista Ballista
To read older logs, see our Web Log.
Random Chunk Picture of the Day:
Get your daily dose of one random Chunkin' Picture from our massive image library.
Shop for Catapult Swag:
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Buy a Ballista
Buy a Trebuchet
Buy an Onager
Buy a Trigger
Buy a Trigger
Machines sorted by type and size:
Catapult Style |
Description |
Small |
Medium |
Large |
Traditional Trebuchet |
Traditional trebuchets are historocal catapults powered by a counterweight, usually
with a heavy weight on one side of the arm, and a sling and projectile
hanging off the other.
Traction Trebuchet |
Traction trebuchets are historocal catapults powered by humans
pulling on ropes, effectively acting as the counterweight as with
traditional trebuchets. Traction trebuchets are the easiest to
create and operate, as you don't have lots of weight to bring with
you. You do, however, need to train the counterweight crew.
Ballista |
Ballsitas are torsion engines originally designed around 400BC.
They are powered by two bundles of twisted rope, arranged in
the form of a big crossbow.
Hatra Ballista |
Hatra Ballista is a torsion engine with two bundles. Unlike the
greek ballista, a Hatra ballista is configured so the bowstring
and arms rotate toward the center, providing a much better
configuration for throwing heavy objects.
Onager |
Onagers are torsion engines, designed with a single bundle, and
an arm and sling.
Air Cannons |
Air Cannons use a resevior of compressed air behind a valve.
When the valve is opened, it will push the projectile down the
barrel. Pnuematic cannons are similar to other kinds of cannons,
but without the use of explosives.
Learn about our team, how to contact us, what we do, and what we're up to.
Engines Of War:
Team Tormentum has built over 20 different machines of all sorts,
including historically inspired machines such as trebuchets,
ballistas, and onagers, in addition to modern interpretations such as
the Pumpkin Putter, ASOK trebuchet, and our mini air cannon. Some are for
competitions, and others for fun.
Details on things we've learned as we went along, including what not to do.
You won't find any detailed plans for any of our machines, but you will learn
a few tricks and that make our machines work.
Team Tormentum drags catapults of all sorts to various public events. Everything
from local High Schools to the World Championship Punkin' Chunk'. We've been
battling for over 25 years and documented over 30 events.
Spare Parts:
Various amusing things such as Cartoons, Poems, projectile art, and links.
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